Our Fall Collection

Our Fall Collection

 Our fall collection was chosen based on a poll we did on Instagram. We asked our audience "Which cities are your favourite for fall season?” Our options were New York, Paris, Edinburg, and Japan. 

The winners were New York and Edinburg.

New York City is also known as the big apple. This scent will not disappoint. It smell like delicious Apples, Cinnamon, Clove, White Musk, and Golden Nectar. It’s the perfect fall fragrance and it represents New York so well.


Nyc, Central Park, Autumn Mood, New York City

Edinburg is without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities in the UK. It has a mysterious medieval spooky feel to it. There is plenty of historical charm in this city. Edinburg is known for its whiskey and we decided use a scent that was sweet yet spicy. Our Edinburgh candle smells like Orange Marmalade, Tamarind, Honey Bourbon, Coumarin, Clove, Brown Sugar, and Tobacco.

Edinburgh | If you want you can see my most interesting phot… | Flickr



 Holyrood Park In Edinburgh, Edinburgh Cityscape, City