Why Do We Prefer to Use Wood Wicks?

Why Do We Prefer to Use Wood Wicks?

Wood wicks have a unique and elegant appearance. They release fragrance better than cotton wicks. The crackling sound is very soothing and calming, which gives an overall relaxing ambiance. One of the many benefits is that they burn slower than cotton wicks allowing your candle to last longer.

As we continuously look to include more natural products in our daily lives, using wood wick candles are a healthier choice. Wood wicks are ECO friendly making them more sustainable than cotton wicks. Did you know that in order for cotton to be produced it requires gallons of water?

Wood wicks' unique characteristics make them appear intimidating, but they are in fact easier to work with and are more environmentally friendly by using less material.

If you have yet to try a wood wick candle this is the time!